
Service line

No patient likes to wait for a rebase or repair of elements. We have service locations throughout the Netherlands so that we can provide you and your patient with fast service. Repairs, rebases, and additions of up to four elements that are reported to us before 10:00 AM in the morning will be delivered back to your practice on the same day, no later than 4:00 PM.

For additions of five or more elements and rebases on implants, if they are reported to us before 10:00 AM, they will be back in your practice by 4:00 PM the following day at the latest.

To perform this service efficiently, we have divided the Netherlands into three regions: northern, central, and southern regions. In each of these regions, an Elysee Dental employee is responsible for coordinating the pickup and return of reported repairs and rebases.

Depending on the region where your practice is located, you can report any repairs or rebases using the applicable telephone number or email address for that region. Repairs and rebases are always picked up and returned by one of our drivers on the same day.