The importance of a TrioClear™ treatment before tooth restorations
In the world of cosmetic dentistry, achieving a brilliant smile often involves multiple steps. One increasingly popular approach is the Align, Bleach, and Composite (ABC) technique. What is the ABC technique? This is a fast and cheaper solution for patients wanting to straighten and whiten and restore their teeth. First focus on the Alignment, after this Bleach the elements until your patient has the desired tooth shade, and then finalize it with the Forma® Injection Technique (F.I.T.).
Our F.I.T. solution aligns with the philosophy of minimal invasiveness and serves as an excellent restorative choice when used alongside our pre-restorative TrioClear™ aligner system.
The Composite Forma®-Injection Technique (F.I.T.) is a unique solution to treat tooth surface loss in a direct, quick, easy, predictable and efficient way. In this no-prep technique, a direct flowable micro-filled resin hybrid composite is used to achieve a perfect, total rehabilitation.